modern beehives

Kenyan Top Bar Hive

This type of hive was originally designed in Kenya in the late 1960’s for the Kenyan conditions. It is a transitional hive suitable for beekeepers as it is an improvement of the traditional log hives. It consists of one chamber complete with 26 top bars and top lid covered with corrugated iron sheet. The hive has a 2 meters long hanging wire which is used to support the hive. In addition, a queen excluder is provided to create room for the brood. A supper chamber has also been provided. The hive has a capacity to produce 15-20kgs of honey per harvest with about 45% occupation in ASAL areas.

Langstroth Beehive

This is the most popular beehive currently in use in most parts of the world. It comprises of the following parts: – Floor – Brood chamber with ten self-spacing frames – Queen excluder – Super chamber with 10-11 self- Under ASAL conditions this hive has 20-30% Occupancy in the best conditions. In medium to high altitude conditions, it produces 30-40 kgs of honey per harvest while in ASAL conditions only 10 kgs of honey can be realized.

Super Log Hive

This is the improved beehive from the traditional log hive. It embraces traditional and modern hive technology. It is made from a hollow wooden log which is split lengthwise into two parts. The internal framework has wax rings which offer a foundation room where the bees start constructing honey combs. Hive occupancy is about 75-79% in arid and semi arid lands. It has capacity to produce 18-20 kgs of honey per harvest.

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