KVDA donates life jackets to boost fisher folk safety in Lake Turkana

Fisherfolk in Lake Turkana have received life jackets from the Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) as part of enhancing their safety while fishing.

KVDA Managing Director, Sammy Naporos while distributing the gears to several Beach Management Units (BMUs) members said the focus is to harness the full potential of Blue Economy in Lake Turkana.

“As an Authority we are committed to supporting the fishing activities in the lake. We started by conducting training on safety, value addition, and fish handling among other areas before we issued them with the lifejackets,” he said.

The MD said an office has been set up at Kalokol town ostensibly to coordinate the projects and programs aimed at supporting the fishing community comprising over 30 BMUs.

Already the Authority is offering emergency rescue services in the lake where there are standby officers and a motorboat.

“As part of ensuring full utilization of the Lake, the Authority will issue fishing nets to grow the industry more for better returns thus fighting hunger and poverty. Capacity buildings will continue and will also include benchmarking for the BMUs,” he stated.

To cushion the community from post-harvest losses, the MD said through collaboration with other state and non-state actors they will invest in solarized dryers and cold rooms.

Turkana County Fisheries and Aquaculture Chief Officer, Evans Lomodei, who accompanied the MD hailed KVDA for the initiative noting the lifejackets will go towards boosting fishing by enhancing the safety of the fisher folks.

“As a department, we are grateful to KVDA for the efforts in training the BMU members and providing life jackets. The implementation of a MoU we signed recently will go a long way in boosting our fishing industry,” he said.

The chief officer said the enhanced collaboration will steer the food security agenda in the County thus significantly boosting nutrition and increasing household income. 

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