Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) is a corporate legal entity established in
1979 as a Regional Development Authority (RDA) under Cap. 441 of the Laws of Kenya.
The Authority is mandated to undertake River Basin Conservation and Management
through Integrated River Basin Based Development Programmes with the key objective of
propelling development to improve the region’s per capita income.

Location and Size
KVDA’s area of jurisdiction is located in the north-western part of Kenya and lies between
Latitudes 00 10 South and 100 30 North, and longitudes 340 and 370 East. This area includes
the counties of Turkana, West Pokot, Elgeiyo Marakwet, Baringo, parts of Samburu and
parts of Nakuru. The total area coverage is approximately 107,089.04 square kilometers,
representing 18.3 per cent of Kenya’s landmass. Over 80 per cent of KVDA’s area of
coverage is arid and semi-arid (ASAL). The current estimated population in KVDA’s area
of jurisdiction is 3,548,071 people as per the 2019 KNBS.
The operational area is bounded by the drainage basins of Turkwel, Kerio rivers and their
tributaries, which drain into Lake Turkana. Other drainage basins within the area include:

  1. Lakes Baringo and Bogoria drainage basin.
  2. Suguta – Lake Lokipi drainage basin.
  3. Tarach – Lotikipi drainage basin
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